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Link Handle 64136 Axe Handle Wedge HANDLE REPAIR F/LEAF RAKE 54IN Link Handle 66454 Straight Rake Handle
1 wood wedge and 2 steel wedges. Also includes rehandling instructions. Provides step by step diagram. Barbed edge prevents wedge from working loose from handles, even under rough treatment. Won't chip or break. Replacement leaf rake handle. 54 in length. Diameter of 1 in. 2-1/2 in chuck to 5/8 in. Standard chucked only. For broom, leaf and lawn rakes.
Replacement spading fork handle. 30 in length. Replacement ash shovel handle. 45 in length. Replacement shovel handle. 48 in length.
HNDL TAPPERED LNG SHVEL WD48" Vulcan 32958 Post Hole Digger Handles HANDLE SHOVEL STEEL D WOOD 30"
Replacement shovel handle. 48 in length. Post hole digger handle, 48 in L handle, hardwood. Replacement shovel hand with D-grip. 30 in length.
Vulcan 32959 Rake Handles Link Handle 66643 Chucked Socket Pattern Hoe Handle HANDL REPL MANURE FRK WOOD 48"
Rake handle, 60 in L handle, Ash wood. 1-1/4 in Dia, chucked. Not bored. Without ferrules. Replacement manure fork handle. 30 in length.
Link Handle 66533 Square Eye Post Hole Digger Handle Link Handle 64552 Hammer Handle Link Handle 750-21 Straight Shovel Handle
Bored. For atlas, Hercules, perfection and similar Seymour diggers. Oval eye 1-1/4 in x 1 in. Better quality American hickory with a clear lacquer finish. Fire finish provides a highly pleasing appearance. For frequent heavy-duty use by farmers, ranchers, contractors and other professionals with demanding construction and other professional applications. 1-5/16 in Dia, 9 in socket. Chucked long straight shovel. Hollowback.
Link Handle 66644 Chucked Socket Pattern Hoe Handle HANDL SLD SHNK SHOVEL WOOD48" HNDL REPAIR F/DBL BIT AXE 35IN
1-1/4 in Dia, chucked. Not bored. Without ferrules. Replacement shovel handle. 48 in length. Replacement double bit axe handle. 35 in length.
Forest King 64652 Hammer Handle Link Handle 66615 Replacement Hoe Hook Handle HNDL RPR ASH F/SCKT PTTRN 54IN
Oval eye size of 1-1/2 in x 1-1/4 in. Better quality American hickory with a clear lacquer finish. Fire finish provides a highly pleasing appearance. For frequent heavy-duty use by farmers, ranchers, contractors and other professionals with demanding construction and other professional applications. 1-1/4 in Dia, 3/8 in bore. Turned end ferrules. Meadows, light cotton, light hook, stoned hook, light scuffle and light potato hook. Replacement shovel handle. 54 in length.
Vulcan 32951 Axe Handles Vulcan 32950 Sledge Handles Vulcan 33527 Maul Handles
Axe handle, 36 in L handle, Hickory wood. Replacement sledge handle, 36 in L handle, wood. For frequent heavy-duty use by farmers, ranchers, contractors and other professionals with demanding construction and other applications. Replacement handle for Sku #152.3489 and #712.7368.
Vulcan 34109 Maul Handles Link Handle SP21096 Replacement Handle Link Handle 64441 Hammer Handle
Double injected, 36 in fiberglass handle for maul and 2.5 lb pick. Replacement wood handle for #DG-100, DG-75. Oval eye 1-1/4 in x 1 in. Better quality American hickory with a clear lacquer finish. Fire finish provides a highly pleasing appearance. For frequent heavy-duty use by farmers, ranchers, contractors and other professionals with demanding construction and other professional applications.
Link Handle 66776 Shovel Handle Link Handle 66564 Hay Fork Handle Link Handle 118-19/118-09 Axe Handle
Dee handle. 9 in eye chuck. Lopping shear handles. 4 in ferrule, 1/2 in bore. American hickory with a clear lacquer finish. Fire finish provides a highly pleasing appearance. For frequent heavy-duty use by farmers, ranchers, contractors and other professionals with demanding construction and other professional applications.
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